Thursday, March 11, 2010

10 Reasons to Observe Women's History Month

5. Honor: To understand why we dedicate March to the women who have made historical achievements in our country is to honor them. This month gives us an opportunity to further comprehend the great steps that women have made in the past in order to establish the full freedom of women. Take advantage of this time and join others as we honor these influential characters in history.
4. Learn: This is also a great time to learn why the month is so important. Take time to notice the fliers, posters, banners and other displays on our campus that are there to inform us. Read them! Perhaps even take some time to do a little digging of your own so that you may fully understand just how important the history of women has really become.
3.Respect: Women in the past are not the only ones making history. There are women around us every day who deserve the respect highlighted by this memorializing month. In fact, many professors at ASU have made great accomplishments paved by the very women we are honoring during this month. Take a moment to show your respect to these women and appreciate what they have done and what women today are able to do as a result.
2. Inform: Not only must we learn, we must take what we learn and move forward. This month gives us a great chance to share with others. This may be as simple as starting a conversation about Women's HIstory Month at the lunch table. This could also be organizing a group to attend a seminar held in honor of this month. Do your part and pass the knowledge forward.
1. Celebrate: What is the point in having a month dedicated to something so exciting if we do not celebrate? These historical women have allowed women today make great choices and have great opportunities of their own. The freedom brought on by this history is something well worth a celebration. Take some time to enjoy this. This goes for men and women. If you are enjoying the free lives we live today, then you have cause for celebrating how we got here.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

10 Ways to Give Back

Check out 10-6 at

5. Support: Money and time are not the only ways to support a cause. If you feel strongly about something, let people know! Support your cause by spreading the word and doing small deeds to demonstrate how to best give back towards the organization or cause.
4. Help Others: If there isn't one particular area that you feel compelled to help in, try just helping the people around you. This can easily be done on campus. For example: open doors for people, take their trash and dishes for them in the cafeteria, help with homework, give advice, etc. There are a million ways if you just start looking.
3. Pray: What better way to give back than to go to the source from which all things come. Pray for God's hand in your cause. This is one way to do your part, yet draw from unending resources. Ask God to help the people, organizations, and causes around you.
2. Mentor: If you love children or simply others your age, this can be a great way to give back. Mentors are there for others when they need help or friendship. It is so easy just to be honest, open, and available for another once you just begin.
1. Share: This can be your things or your thoughts. Let all that you have be welcome to others. If you are sharing with those around you, less that you meet will be in need. If they are, share with them resources to help supply their needs. Open up to sharing with others.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

To see 10-6 visit

5. School Planner: This little time-managing technique has saved me in college. This is where the smart planning begins. Get an hour-by-hour planner. If you happen to have a busy life from sun-up to sun-down like most of us, I suggest you purchase one that accounts for hours later than 5 p.m. Schedule everything from breakfast to last minute homework before bed. You'll be amazed at how much it helps if you stick to it.

4. Do not procrastinate: This is in our nature as young adults. We put things off. But if you have noticed all your work and activities piling up and causing you a great amount of stress, you have to take action. Start small. Try finishing a homework assignment the day it is assigned rather than the night before it is due. Next, try taking care of any unfinished business for the day before you log on to Facebook. Before you know it, maybe you'll even have all your responsibilities done before hanging out with friends late at night.

3. Don't over-book: Sometimes we just don't think. We get in over our heads and plan work, school, friends, family, hobbies, clubs, boyfriends/girlfriends and errands into the tiniest slot of time. Talk about stressful. This is where that planner comes in handy. Make specific appointments for your time. Make sure each commitment of your time has its own special hour or so. It may seem lame penciling in your buddies, but it takes such a load off of your back.

2. Use spare hours: Warning! this may not always be fun. But it helps…a lot. You know that hour between lunch and your next class that you usually spend sitting for an extra long time in the cafeteria or taking a quick nap on the third floor of the Union? Or maybe it's the two hours after class, but before work. Use this time! Catch up on homework or read a chapter of your textbook. It really does make a difference.

1. Foresee the unexpected: Leave time in your schedule for unknown occurrences. Who knows what could happen? Maybe you get called into work the night before a huge paper is due or you get really sick and can't make it to an important appointment. Be prepared for these things. Think ahead and work ahead. Also, make friends in class so that you can catch up on work if you unexpectedly have to miss an important lecture or assignment. Most of all, have a backup plan. You'll need it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

10 Valentine's Day Dates

To see 10-6 check out Campus Catalists at

5. Picnic: Go outside! Your date may like nothing more than a simple evening with you at the park. Go enjoy the pretty view of the lake at Craighead Forrest Park. This is great especially if you are on a budget. Just make a simple, but tasty meal. Pack it up and get ready for romance.

4. Progressive Date: This is a really fun and creative idea. Begin the evening at a fun restaurant with your favorite appetizer and drinks. Order, enjoy, then leave. Move on to a great place for a meal. Enjoy a slow, romantic and fun dinner there. Next, move on to your favorite dessert joint. This date is fun and interesting. Plus it draws out the date for more time without getting bored.

3. Group Date: If you aren't in a relationship and you know several friends in a similar situation, organize a group date. I can vouch for these being a blast. Divide into groups of guys and girls (about 4 or 5 of each.) The guys take care of planning and paying for the date. It doesn't have to be much, but it often turns out to be a great time just to hang out with a group of friends on a date. Something about getting dressed up and going out always make things more fun.

2. Play Date: Who says dates must include dinner and a movie? Just have fun! Whether this is your buddies or significant other. Plan something fun. Just play games or go skating or something else that isn't part of the normal routine. Valentine's day is special! Make it interesting by doing something unique and entertaining.

1. Blind Date: These can be scary. However, if you don't have a date and you just really want a special someone for the evening, chances are there is someone else who feels the same way. Have a friend fix you up with a friend or relative in the same boat. There is no guarantee this will produce true love, but it will give you a new person to converse with and learn about. Be open-minded and enjoy your new acquaintance.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

10 Things Student's Don't Need

Read 10-6 by visiting

5. Expensive things: Don't get all caught up in the society's ruling that we need the newest, most high-tech items on the market. While it may seem pretty cool at the time, these things add up and before you know it, that refund, paycheck, or money from your parent's can either be a killer savings account or a killer of your fun when it runs out.

4.Extra stress: We have enough of this, wouldn't you agree? Between class, work, parents, social life, and anything else we have on our plate, the last thing we need is more stress. For ways to reduce the excessive stress in your life, see my list on stress relief.

3. Roommate conflict: Oh how this can put a damper on the college experience! But it is bound to happen. Trust me. Something you want to put energy into is keeping peace between your roommates. Take the time to build on these friendships and save yourself and them some serious frustration later.

2. Sickness: Nobody likes being sick. But the winter always comes with the threat of some sort of cold or flu, especially on such a crowded campus. So, take steps to keep yourself and your peers healthy. Wash your hands. A lot. And actually take the advice of those signs posted all over campus warning you to stay home if you are already ill!

1. A boyfriend or girlfriend: You may disagree with me on this one. I, however, am a firm believer in this. So many students spend their college years wrapped up in a boyfriend or girlfriend, or wrapped up in trying to get one. This isn't a must, though. We have the rest of our lives ahead of us. Don't fall prey to the idea that you can only be happy if you have someone calling you their's.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

10 Ways to Prepare for Winter Weather

Read 10-6 at

5. Warm up: Make sure you bundle up in your warmest clothes. Be smart. Wear gloves, a scarf, and a hat. Even if the temperatures aren't freezing, those snow balls that will be flying will be.

4. Have fun: Speaking of snow balls...don't let the potential snow day slip by without some fun! Get a group together to play in the snow or build a snow man and make snow angels. The snow doesn't come often or stay long around here. Make the most of it!

3. Stay healthy: Even if you are in great health, the cold weather always seems to bring that runny nose which can easily lead to a cold, the flu, and so on. So be smart. Keep some antibacterial gel near by and use it often! At very least, you are saving others from having to put up with your germs.

2. Watch the weather: Keep in the know. Don't take other people's word for it when it comes to something as unpredictable as the weather. Try to keep up with any updates posted on the news website. This will ensure that you aren't hit with any major surprises.

1. Enjoy: Finally, just love it! Take time to look at the beauty of the falling snow. Savor the joy among your peers as the snow covers the town. If you are anything like me, you can enjoy the gift of a snow day just fine by cuddling up with a blanket for a while and watching the snow fall from the comfort of your own couch.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Top 10 Student Complaints About ASU

Check out 10-9 of the list at

5. Food variety/quality: Students have complained that the quality and variety of the cafeteria food in Acansa Dining Hall, even at the beginning of the semester, is unsatisfactory. With continued themes of the same old pasta, meat and potatoes, or just the usual salad bar, there is not much variety after a couple of weeks of getting use to the food.

4. Book prices: We are paying a high tuition and this payment is covering our education and our education is coming from these necessary textbooks, however the payment for the textbooks is not covered by our tuition. This seems like an outrage! What is our tuition actually paying for?

3. Fire Alarms: Last semester, a resident of NPQ was diagnosed with a perforated ear drum as a result of multiple fire alarms sounding so loudly. The volume of these alarms was already unbarable, come to find out that the alarms have been altered and increased in volume and sound for the spring semester. How can they increase this when the old sound was already a problem?

2. Supplies: According to frequent visitors of the campus store and Starbucks in the student union, the fulfillment of supplies is unaccepetable. Students say that these establishments are ofen out of key supplies on a daily, or even weekly, basis. Causing much student frustration, buyers are less motivated to visit the stores at all for their usual on-campus needs.

1. Installment fee: For students paying off their student debt, an instalment plan can be put into place. This is suppose to be to help students' ability to pay off their financial aid in regular installments. A problem is that there is a fee to set up this plan. It does not seem to make sense to ask already poor students to give up more of their money simply in order to give their first paymetns at all.