Saturday, November 8, 2008

Six Ways to Make Yourself Go to Class

The semester is almost over! So close. And it is getting harder and harder to convince ourselves to actually go to class. This is getting pretty inconvenient seeing as we only have a few weeks left and our allowed absences are getting fewer and fewer. Here are some thought-out ideas of how to force ourselves to get up and get going to be able to successfully complete the semester.

1. Set two alarms. I have to do this one. Otherwise, the snooze button becomes my best friend. Which I later, once realizing how late I am, is my worst enemy. Set the alarm by your head for ten or fifteen minutes before you actually have to get up. Then set your phone alarm for the time you have to get out of bed and put it across the room. Once you get up to turn it off, stay up.
2. Have someone call or text you. This is great accountability. Find a friend who is in your class or a neighbor who has class at the same time as you and keep each other on track to be on time to class. When one wakes up, they should call the other and make sure they are up too.
3. Get more sleep. If oversleeping is your problem, it could be more than lack of motivation. Maybe you are having too much fun during the week, or maybe it is that you are loaded down with late-night homework, but either way staying up too late is directly related to how easily you can get up. Set a bedtime for yourself if you must to assure enough sleep. And be sure to stick to it! Even if that means getting stuff done earlier.
4. Get up early. I know this one sounds completely crazy, but I promise it helps. If you have a class at nine, get up at 7:30 and go work out, run an errand, eat breakfast out, or do something productive. By the time class roles around, you are plenty awake and on time.
5. Don't let any excuses pile up. This is for if you can't even get yourself to go to afternoon classes. It is so easy to say, "Oh, well I really have to do this other thing and I don't want to go to class, so..." And you know the rest. But if you must hold yourself to it, make sure all important things that could be excused to skip class are taken care of before the class starts. This could be hard, but I believe it would be a useful plan.
6. Count down! Think to yourself, "Okay, after today there are only six more times I have to come to this class." Then be positive. "I can do that. Only six more." And so on. It will give yourself less of a hopeless "I can't do this anymore!" kind of attitude.

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