Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Eight Midterm Study Preparations

Here they are...the always anticipated and somewhat dreaded Midterms. It is sort of hard to believe that it is the middle of the semester already, but if we need a reality check we have these huge tests to remind us. I'm not quite sure what the logic behind loading us down with intense tests all in the same two-week period is, but I do know that there are some tricks to handling it all.

Sleep-not while trying to prepare for the test...but before and after. You must get rest! I've learned this the hard way. If you know you'll be pulling an all-nighter to study the night before the test, sleep well the night before and then take a nap before the test.

2. Snacks-load up on energy! This will help with the temptation to dose off or to use hunger as an excuse to leave your studying for an unnecessarily long period of time. Plus, they say that eating while studying, even just junk food, helps you learn.

3. Highlighters-I have a photographic memory. And stats show that there is a decent chance that you do too. If you highlight in various colors, your brain is more likely to recognize the information once you are faced with it again...on the test.

4. Study partners-have some accountability. Otherwise, you may be tempted to find anything else to do but study. Also, someone else is quite likely to say something or suggest something to help that you wont think of by yourself.

5. The Library-I know that sounds terrible. But typically, studying in the library can relieve any temptation of major distraction like...your bed or television.

6. Flash Cards-memorize! Even if it's not completely necessary for the test. Go ahead and get the material stuck in your brain. It's so nice to look at the test and know for sure what the answer is, especially for a midterm.

7. Coffee-there is a good chance you'll have to spend some time up late. My best advice in the world is to hype up on some caffeine and stay focused as long as possible.

8. Communication-let your teachers know if you need help! It's okay to shoot them an email and ask for a little help!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Three Things I've Learned This Week

So, it's getting to mid-term. The semester is well under way and, as you can probably tell by my lack of punctuality in updating, things have gotten a bit hectic. Stress is weighing in just in time for tests to role around. Isn't it ironic? I've learned a couple of valuable lessons though. Even if I do have to learn them again next semester...

1. Sleep is way more important than we think it is. In the midst of a busy college students schedule, sleep is often the first thing to go. Not always the smartest thing. It affects everything else you do. Yeah, an all-nighter is possible and sometimes necessary, but once it become a three day ordeal it may not be very wise.

2. I deserve to be hard on myself. In this heavy schedule, the pretty outer-shell tends to slip and out comes the inside of us. It isn't always very pretty. Just about the time I have moved on from one screw up, here comes another, courtesy of me. So all the stress that comes via busyness piles up and I can't really defend myself because it's where I got myself, isn't it?

3. Priorities should be prioritized. If you are anything like how overwhelmed I am, you know that you've got to have a system. It is a must. But when you prioritize in the order of importance, you still end up with a list of seven number one importances! How annoying! So, instead of my failing approach of trying to balance them all as equally important, find a way to list that list too.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Seven Sweet Ways to Spend Your Valentine's Day

Here comes Valentine's Day, the day of love and romance...or at least that is what the card companies want us to believe. None-the-less, we do find a certain thrill in this holiday in the U.S. so why not take advantage? Here are some Valentines ideas for this year...whether you have one or not.

1. Grab a group of friends and go out to a nice dinner. Dress up and order something special. It could even be fun to all swap tickets just to be kind.

2. You and your significant other take a drive to Memphis. Enjoy the car ride listening to romantic music and talking. Once there, pick a fun restaurant downtown then go out to the drive-in theater on Summer Ave.

3. Take a date and a few other couples and go dancing! This has the potential to be really fun. Put on some fun themed clothes and go out for a night of salsa or tango.

4. I know some adults who had a great idea for Valentine's Day. They are hosting their own Murder Mystery Party. You can buy the scripts online. Just get a group of friends together and a house to host. Each person gets a part and plays "clue" in order to find "who did it!"

5. A night in. This could be romantic and intimate as well. Just take advantage of your roommate being out for the evening and enjoy a great night in with sweet movies and snacks, hanging out with your favorite person.

6. A pic-nic. We got lucky this year. The weather is suppose to be beautiful on Valentine's day! Take advantage! Go out to Craighead Forrest Park or The trail at the Nature Center and have a good old-fashioned lunch with your date, then go hiking or play around on the playground.

7. The classic date. Just do the dinner and a movie thing in town. It is always fun to enjoy food and fun with someone you are getting to know, even if it's just a friend. There are a few good movies playing right now. Eat somewhere satisfying, then enjoy a new release in theaters.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Three Words for Building Your Vocabulary part 4.

So, if any of you followed this blog last semester, you may remember this series of lists. This is the every few post list of words that we may want to try initiating into our vocabularies. We are going at 'em in alphabetical order. As of yet, we have done A-I. So, here we go...

1. Jovial (jolly; expansively good-natured.) This word could very well come in handy in description. If we are wanting to improve our speech, adjectives are a great way to go. Perhaps we could describe a class' reaction to a postponed test as jovial? I would be...

2. Lupine. (like a wolf; wolfish.) Do I really need to say? We are the Red WOLVES. What a great word for this campus to adopt. I suggest a lupine wave of energy from the student section at our Astate games...

3. Kith. (familiar friends; neighbors or relatives.) I believe that college students can relate well to this word. We may be describing to someone we have met a story about people we know from home. Of course, they don't know the relation of these people to you, being from the other side of the state. However to you new friends you can describe your old as your kith. Try it out.