Sunday, February 22, 2009

Three Things I've Learned This Week

So, it's getting to mid-term. The semester is well under way and, as you can probably tell by my lack of punctuality in updating, things have gotten a bit hectic. Stress is weighing in just in time for tests to role around. Isn't it ironic? I've learned a couple of valuable lessons though. Even if I do have to learn them again next semester...

1. Sleep is way more important than we think it is. In the midst of a busy college students schedule, sleep is often the first thing to go. Not always the smartest thing. It affects everything else you do. Yeah, an all-nighter is possible and sometimes necessary, but once it become a three day ordeal it may not be very wise.

2. I deserve to be hard on myself. In this heavy schedule, the pretty outer-shell tends to slip and out comes the inside of us. It isn't always very pretty. Just about the time I have moved on from one screw up, here comes another, courtesy of me. So all the stress that comes via busyness piles up and I can't really defend myself because it's where I got myself, isn't it?

3. Priorities should be prioritized. If you are anything like how overwhelmed I am, you know that you've got to have a system. It is a must. But when you prioritize in the order of importance, you still end up with a list of seven number one importances! How annoying! So, instead of my failing approach of trying to balance them all as equally important, find a way to list that list too.

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