Thursday, March 19, 2009

8 Things to Do Over Spring Break

Finally! Spring Break is here! It's time to go out, go home, or go away....either way we want to get fare off from ASU for a while, right? Just a good old break from the pressures of the classroom, dorm, caf, and campus in general. So when you get wherever you are going...what are you going to do? Have a plan so you are sure not to waste it! Here are some ideas...

1. Rest and relax! This has got to be one of the most looked forward aspects of the break. Time off from working so much! So make sure you make time to chill on the couch, sleep in, read a book, and watch some of your favorite movies.

2. Serve. There are opportunities out there that give us the chance to serve the community. Get involved while you have a little extra time! Go out and help out at an animal shelter or food bank. Try looking for ways to help those in need.

3. Prepare. This one isn't as fun, but this will be a good chance to think ahead and ready yourself to end the semester out strong. Maybe even try looking over some notes and studying a bit.m

Hang out! I love this part. Find some old friends or new friends and just go be young. Go out and have fun! There are tons of fun adventures to partake on this week. Even just a night in town at the movies will be a good time.

5. Spend time with your family. As your college years progress, you will get to see your family less and less. So take advantage of this chance to go be with them. Nothing special, just time. Enjoy hearing about their lives and tell them about yours.

6. Catch up. I know, this is lame too. But if you have fallen a little behind due to procrastination or something in school, use a bit of this time to be responsible and catch up on it so you can return to shcool all ready to finish strong.

7. Activities. Play sports, climb mountains, go to the lake or beach, or something! There is so much to do around here! Go take advantage!

8. Work. This is good for saving. We all want or need money. When you would be in class, throw in some hours somewhere and save it up. It'll come in handy later and you wont have time to work as much when school starts again.

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