Thursday, August 27, 2009

Top Ten Things You Can’t Leave Home Without

10. Movie/ Book collection.
You have put years into developing your perfect collection of entertainment and reading material. This is an essential to bring with you to college.
9. Favorite article of clothing/shoes/accessories.
Back –to-school clothes are great, but nothing can replace that broken pair of jeans or shoes that fit you, and only you, just right.
8. Music.
This generation lives for their ipods, and for good reason. There’s no better comfort than your favorite music when you’re getting use to a new place.
7. Your Signature.
You all have something that makes you you. Whether it’s a style you sport or a thing you do, this signature can’t be left behind.
6. Home-cooked snacks/food.
The Caf gets old quick and before you know it, you’re missing mama’s cooking. Invest in some Tupperware and stock up on those home-baked cookies and leftover lasagna.
5. Journal.
Girls and guys need that place to vent. Bring your memories and leave room for new additions.
4. Pictures of friends and family.
Just because you leave home doesn’t mean you forget about the one’s you leave behind. Keep pictures of your favorite people close by.
3. Homey Items.
You can’t leave home without bringing a little of it with you. Homesickness is inevitable, but keeping a throw blanket or plant in your dorm keeps the place from feeling too uncomfortable and creates a new place to call home.
2. Guilty Pleasure.
Whether this is a secret stash of chocolate or every full season of Lost, if it’s your secret joy at home it will be on your own too.
1. Security Blanket/ Teddy Bear.
You can’t leave home without that one thing that keeps you feeling safe and secure. Everyone needs their special keepsake that always confirms everything is going to be alright.

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