Thursday, February 18, 2010

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5. School Planner: This little time-managing technique has saved me in college. This is where the smart planning begins. Get an hour-by-hour planner. If you happen to have a busy life from sun-up to sun-down like most of us, I suggest you purchase one that accounts for hours later than 5 p.m. Schedule everything from breakfast to last minute homework before bed. You'll be amazed at how much it helps if you stick to it.

4. Do not procrastinate: This is in our nature as young adults. We put things off. But if you have noticed all your work and activities piling up and causing you a great amount of stress, you have to take action. Start small. Try finishing a homework assignment the day it is assigned rather than the night before it is due. Next, try taking care of any unfinished business for the day before you log on to Facebook. Before you know it, maybe you'll even have all your responsibilities done before hanging out with friends late at night.

3. Don't over-book: Sometimes we just don't think. We get in over our heads and plan work, school, friends, family, hobbies, clubs, boyfriends/girlfriends and errands into the tiniest slot of time. Talk about stressful. This is where that planner comes in handy. Make specific appointments for your time. Make sure each commitment of your time has its own special hour or so. It may seem lame penciling in your buddies, but it takes such a load off of your back.

2. Use spare hours: Warning! this may not always be fun. But it helps…a lot. You know that hour between lunch and your next class that you usually spend sitting for an extra long time in the cafeteria or taking a quick nap on the third floor of the Union? Or maybe it's the two hours after class, but before work. Use this time! Catch up on homework or read a chapter of your textbook. It really does make a difference.

1. Foresee the unexpected: Leave time in your schedule for unknown occurrences. Who knows what could happen? Maybe you get called into work the night before a huge paper is due or you get really sick and can't make it to an important appointment. Be prepared for these things. Think ahead and work ahead. Also, make friends in class so that you can catch up on work if you unexpectedly have to miss an important lecture or assignment. Most of all, have a backup plan. You'll need it.

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