Friday, October 2, 2009

Top Ten Time Management Skills

To see 10-6 check out The Herald at

5. Write things down: Make sure you write down any assignments or appointments. It is a lot easier to forget things than we let ourselves think. This is especially problematic as the semester goes on and our workload increases significantly. Don’t let yourself get behind because you relied on your memory. And once you write it down…remember where you wrote it!

4. Prioritize: Think about what is most important. Is it school? Which class? Which assignment? Then what? Work? Friends? Make sure you are not leaving the most important responsibilities for last, but also make sure they are orderly first. This helps a lot with school. I suggest doing what is hardest first. Next, move on to your major and minor work. Finish with the small assignments. There’s not much more stressful than having your biggest assignment left to do and not enough time left to do it.

3. Sleep counts: Don’t leave sleeping out of your schedule. Get rest. And make sure you are getting enough. More than that, it should be quality rest. Get on a healthy sleep pattern and adjust to it. This will be easier to do if you are managing your time wisely! Then, you will feel more refreshed and be more physically and mentally able to do what you need to do.

2. To-do lists: Most people have mental versions of these at least. Try to put it on paper. Not your schedule, but your tasks. Where you need to go, what you need to start and finish, etc. This will also help you put better thought into prioritizing things. For satisfaction sake, check off the tasks you complete. You will feel mightily rewarded when you fill in that last check!

1. Have you-time: Save time for you! Even if it seems like you are wasting time, make sure you have at least an hour a day to just chill. Read a non-academic book or go for a run. Just do something alone that you enjoy. It will give you the break you need to get everything else done. While it may seem like it is giving you less time in a day, it is actually enabling you to finish out the day feeling like you accomplished all you should.

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