Sunday, October 26, 2008

Six Creative Study Snacks

So when you’ve got that big test tomorrow and you know you are about to pull an all-nighter, there are some crucial steps to making the event more successful. I spoke of these in a previous blog, Eight Study Tips. One of the important aspects of good studying is gaining that stay-up and motivated energy from snacks. The dorms, however, are not exactly the most convenient food preparation facilities. I’ve come up with some suggestions for some simple and easy study snacks.

1. Try a multipart cereal. One of my favorite snacks is to grab a box of dry cereal and munch away. The kinds with nuts or granola usually make great snacks, like Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds or the new Oat Cluster Cheerios Crunch.

2. This one is almost a must. Coffee. The perfect late night treat and necessity. It is a true snack when you join in some cookies or even biscotti.

3. Another one of my favorites is trail mix. You can purchase many different kinds in stores or you can make your own out of almost anything. It ends up being perfect for munching while typing or reading and it’s a great flavor variety.

4. This one really isn’t very creative, but it’s a classic so it had to make the list. Popcorn of course. Ever-so-easy and always faithful anytime snack. Easy to make in the dorm, just pop it in the microwave, and great for chewing on while studying.

5. Fruit , cheese, and pretzels anyone? This may sound weird, but I highly recommend it. This is another great flavor combination. Some salt, some sweet, and some…cheese. Plus, it is much better for you than anything else you can find to buy as a snack food.

6. I have a lot of friends who use this one. They use their favorite crackers and enjoy them with either cream cheese or peanut butter. Jus t spread some on a plate of your choice of flavored cracker or even try dipping while you dive into whatever homework or study material you’ve got ahead of you.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Three Words for Building Your Vocabulary part 2.

Here is the next set of words to expand the variety of speech we use. Coming from the Webster's Vocabulary Builder, these are a few words that I think could be useful in increasing the intelligence of our everyday speech.

1. Demotic-(Popular or common.) This usually refers to normal cultural tendencies or behaviors of people groups or clicks. It also commonly pertains to speech. The word could come in quite handy when describing the diversity among us this year as we welcome such great amounts of foreign exchanged students. Or perhaps we could incorporate this in our own culture, even on campus with trends or popular activities.

2. Ephemeral-(Lasting a short time.) This could easily describe the short term results of actions, such as deeds that may not be worth the consequences that we face in college. Perhaps this could also effectively explain the way that we retain information during a class or even simply the week of the test, then forgetting what we had learned.

3. Fiduciary-(Pertaining to trust or faith in another.) I think this can come in usefully when portraying the responsibility of one person to another. This could apply to friends, relationships, or the bond of Greek life. Later, I see this being valuable in referring to the trust that we hold accountable to those responsible for our money or important information as we become more independent after college.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Seven Reasons I Love Going Home

I don't get the chance to go home very often. Weekends are typically filled with work, friends, homework, and studying. So when I do get the opportunity to go, it is quite the treat. Something about going back to where we came from is quite the comfort for college students. Here are some thoughts as to why I love going home so much. Feel free to comment your thoughts or reasonings.

1. Home-cooked food! It doesn't take long before the Caf's food day after day gets old. But that sweet, cliche that is going home to mom's cooking is a great excitement.
2. Seeing the family! This one is obvious. If you like your family at all, this has got to be on the list. Even if you have your differences, after weeks apart it's nice to visit with the one's who have to love you no matter what.
3. My room! I love the going back to the comfort and memories of my room at home. It's nice to go back and dig into the old things. Most of all, it's so nice to sleep in my own bed after months of crashing on Astate's provided mattress.
4. The pets! If you have any animals waiting for you at home, you know what I mean. This one is especially close to my heart. There is nothing like going home and being greeted by an ecstatic wagging tail or a sweet soft purr. They know it's you and they could not be happier that you are home to see them.
5. The friends! It is such a holiday to go back and see the people I left behind when I moved away to college. My best friend especially. It is so entertaining to go back and catch up with the old crew and see what you have been missing. But then, it is always so hard to leave again.
6. The Town! If you are anything like me, there is somehow a sweet comfort in returning to that place that you know like the back of your hand. The shops, the park, the food joints, the movies, and even the High School is fun to go back and visit. It's just cool to be back in that familiar air again.
7. No Pressure! Oh, this one is the best. Going home means a break from reality. No school, no class, no fellow students, no college buzz, no pressure! It is so relaxing to be able to go back and plop down on the couch with a non-school-related book and chill out while munching on that favorite snack mom always makes. If you ask me, it is needed every now and then. Just go home, chill out, have fun, and enjoy!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Five Off-Campus Study Joints

Sometimes I get so sick of this campus! Don't get me wrong, I love it here. But living here, eating, here, hanging out here, going to class here, and studying here can be a bit much. Occasionally, I like to get away and take some of my homework or notes to study off-campus. It's a great way to get away and be able to focus, especially on weekends.

1. Barnes and Noble can be a great place to take a book to read for a class or some notes for a test. The atmosphere is usually pretty calm and quiet and there are some great comfortable chairs in the back. They are open until eleven on Monday through Friday so even weeknights are great to get away. Just kick up your feet and get to thinking.
2. Small, chill restaurants like San Fransisco Bread Company or Tropical Smoothie Cafe. Go in, grab a smoothie or sandwich to snack on and enjoy the sweet themed atmosphere. I like it especially during late afternoons. It isn't too busy and you don't feel boring white walls closing in on you after a while.
3. Craighead Forrest Park. I have a friend that does this every day. Find a couple of free hours and go sit outside in the wonderful weather this time of year. Grab a picnic table and dive into that homework without feeling overwhelmed with usual stuffy surrounding.
4. Craighead County, Jonesboro Library. Maybe you're one that needs to be in a confined study environment to get anything done. It may be a must to rid yourself of all distraction and just get the duty done. Well, the upside to the Jonesboro Library is that, unlike ASU's, it is not swarming with frantic college students at all hours, making it impossible to find any solitary area to study.
5. The Edge Coffee House. Oh this is my favorite! Walking distance from campus and a great place to relax. I just go here to be alone and get work done. It somehow takes the edge off of the tasks at hand. I recommend going, grabbing a cup of coffee, and hanging out for hours, either doing whatever studying you have to do or just spending some sweet time away from campus!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Six Ways to Express Yourself

Sometimes we get so boggled down with work and school, that we forget to let a little of our creativity come out. But I think it is a must! We are individuals who are dying to express ourselves to the world. So even if you keep it to yourself, here are some reminders of how to let out some of your inventive character so you don't start taking yourself too seriously.

1. Art: Create! Draw, paint, make something out of nothing. This is a great way to use color and materials and just anything to make something fun and interesting that expresses YOU.

2. Music: This is my favorite. Play, listen, or sing. Music is an essential to life, if you ask me. Enjoy some of your personal favorites or make your own. There's nothing like pleasing the ears just to let out how you're feeling.

3. Dress: Just your appearance itself can be your expression. Be YOU in the way you do your hair or wear your clothes. Don't conform to what's usual until you can feel like you are in your own skin. Be comfortable in what you like.

4. Photography: I so admire the beautiful self-expression that some can create in photos. There are students who are mini-professionals, sharing their every thought and feeling just through a picture. But this can go for anyone. Pick up a camera and shoot what YOU see.

5. Writing: Of course this one's got to be on here. This isn't just a hobby or a job. It's what I love. Whether you think you're good at it or not, I urge you to pick up a pencil and see what comes out. Especially when you are really feeling life closing in on you. Poetry, lyrics, stories, anything. Words can be so healing and so full of expression, in any circumstance.

6. Dancing: This is an amazing way that I have seen others express themselves. Just through the art of moving their bodies to music. It is so impressive to see how people can put their heart into different kinds of dancing. Maybe this is the way YOU are searching for to reveal who you are to the world.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Three Words for Building Your Vocabulary part 1.

So I was considering the other day just how elementary my vocabulary can be. I think this goes for all of us really. Given, we are from Arkansas I know, but I think it can always be a good thing to stretch and build up our every day vocabulary.

So if it’s okay with you, every few posts I’ll update a list of three words, just going through the alphabet, that can brighten up our speech a little. I’ll be using Webster’s Vocabulary Builder by Merriam-Webster so you can trust that these words are legit and I’ll try to stick to words that I believe we can and will actually use. I challenge you to try out these new words and see if it extends the intelligence of your conversation at all.

1. Amicable-(Friendly, peaceful.) This could be good to describe a relationship between two people, perhaps some mutual friends of yours. Or the way that the atmosphere feels when you enter an inviting place for the first time.

2. Belligerence- (Aggressiveness, combativeness.) This is sort of the opposite of the above. I’ve heard the word before, but was never sure enough of the meaning to use it myself. It could be a good adjective to describe a movie or a quarrel between some other mutual friends.

3. Cursory- (Hastily and often carelessly done.) I see this one coming in handy. Could this describe the way students tend to drive when they are in a hurry? Especially through the Quads parking lot! And admittedly this is the way I tend to do my homework if I have put it off until the last minute. Anyone relate?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Six Ways to Enjoy the Fall Weather

The weather is beautiful right now isn’t it?! I hear students expressing their love for the current temperatures all day long. As we all know, however, this is Arkansas. This won’t last long, unfortunately. So let’s take advantage of it while it’s here, before the cold winds and icy plants thrust us quickly into winter.

1. One of the greatest ways to take on the season in full is to go camping. Even if you’re not sleeping outside, just to start a fire and grab a guitar with some friends and take a sweet inhale of the crisp fall air is enough.

2. Something easy: just open your windows! In your dorm or in your car, let the nice air and autumn smells satisfy you even when you can’t be out in it.

3. How about a picnic? Try even just a quick decision to enjoy your lunch outside. The sun is just warm enough and the trees keep you cool. The insects are way less intense compared to summer and the great weather will probably make your sandwich somehow taste that much better.

4. Use it to your advantage! This is perfect inspiration living in nature, right outside your door! If you’re an artist, paint or draw a recreation of what you see. Writers can gain great material from observing senses outdoors. Even an amateur can embrace the beauty. Grab a camera and capture what you see.

5. On campus it is as simple as grabbing a book and heading outside. Find a nice tree to lean up against or take advantage of the beautiful spots for sitting around campus. If you must, take some homework. There’s no reason not to use the sweet fall air to offset the obnoxious amount of homework and studying we have hanging over us.

6. Why not take a break from mid-terms and take a quick trip down to Craighead Park? Have some fun and play. Swing or run or even play in the leaves, just don’t waste it!