Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Three Words for Building Your Vocabulary part 2.

Here is the next set of words to expand the variety of speech we use. Coming from the Webster's Vocabulary Builder, these are a few words that I think could be useful in increasing the intelligence of our everyday speech.

1. Demotic-(Popular or common.) This usually refers to normal cultural tendencies or behaviors of people groups or clicks. It also commonly pertains to speech. The word could come in quite handy when describing the diversity among us this year as we welcome such great amounts of foreign exchanged students. Or perhaps we could incorporate this in our own culture, even on campus with trends or popular activities.

2. Ephemeral-(Lasting a short time.) This could easily describe the short term results of actions, such as deeds that may not be worth the consequences that we face in college. Perhaps this could also effectively explain the way that we retain information during a class or even simply the week of the test, then forgetting what we had learned.

3. Fiduciary-(Pertaining to trust or faith in another.) I think this can come in usefully when portraying the responsibility of one person to another. This could apply to friends, relationships, or the bond of Greek life. Later, I see this being valuable in referring to the trust that we hold accountable to those responsible for our money or important information as we become more independent after college.

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