Sunday, October 26, 2008

Six Creative Study Snacks

So when you’ve got that big test tomorrow and you know you are about to pull an all-nighter, there are some crucial steps to making the event more successful. I spoke of these in a previous blog, Eight Study Tips. One of the important aspects of good studying is gaining that stay-up and motivated energy from snacks. The dorms, however, are not exactly the most convenient food preparation facilities. I’ve come up with some suggestions for some simple and easy study snacks.

1. Try a multipart cereal. One of my favorite snacks is to grab a box of dry cereal and munch away. The kinds with nuts or granola usually make great snacks, like Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds or the new Oat Cluster Cheerios Crunch.

2. This one is almost a must. Coffee. The perfect late night treat and necessity. It is a true snack when you join in some cookies or even biscotti.

3. Another one of my favorites is trail mix. You can purchase many different kinds in stores or you can make your own out of almost anything. It ends up being perfect for munching while typing or reading and it’s a great flavor variety.

4. This one really isn’t very creative, but it’s a classic so it had to make the list. Popcorn of course. Ever-so-easy and always faithful anytime snack. Easy to make in the dorm, just pop it in the microwave, and great for chewing on while studying.

5. Fruit , cheese, and pretzels anyone? This may sound weird, but I highly recommend it. This is another great flavor combination. Some salt, some sweet, and some…cheese. Plus, it is much better for you than anything else you can find to buy as a snack food.

6. I have a lot of friends who use this one. They use their favorite crackers and enjoy them with either cream cheese or peanut butter. Jus t spread some on a plate of your choice of flavored cracker or even try dipping while you dive into whatever homework or study material you’ve got ahead of you.

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