Friday, October 16, 2009

10 Reasons to Befriend an International Student

5. Help them out: If you are familiar with how things work around the college environment, you know that it would be tough to survive without friends. Think about how often you call on others for help with school, rides, problems, etc. This is the case for internationals too. They have a lot of adjusting to do once they arrive at Astate. Be a part of helping them out.
4. Learn something: There are students from all over the world at our school! That is so cool. Think of all the things they know about that we don’t. Or even just interesting things that occur in their culture, but not ours. Not only small interesting facts, but true life lessons. These students have a lot to share.
3. Share your beliefs: Ever have the desire to take your thoughts or beliefs to the nations? You don’t have to wait until you can hop on a plane and travel world-round. Strike up a conversation with a Chinese or African student. You’ll be amazed at how interested they usually are in what Americans believe. Good luck finding an American that interested in what you have to say.
2. They are a big portion of our student body: How can we just ignore such a great percentage of our student body!? They are in the cafeteria, in your classes and maybe even your roommates. We have a multi-cultural population here. That is a really great thing. Don’t consider them the minority. Consider them your peers.
1. Why wouldn’t you?...: Finally, what is stopping you? These are real people. Do you intentionally exclude other American peers? If so, that seems very…high school. We are adults now. Chances are we are going to be working with a vast variety of cultures in just a few years in our full-time jobs. Embrace it. What are you waiting for?

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