Thursday, October 22, 2009

10 Ways to Save

Check out 10-6 Ways to Save on
5. Don’t waste anything! Save leftovers for later, use the backs of paper, reuse plastic cups and plates, and use Wal-mart sacks as bags as often as possible. Be creative and you’ll be surprised how less often you are in need of buying replenishments of this and that.
4. Use your flex: If you didn't know, you can use your flex dollars in the campus store to buy things like toilet paper or snacks. This fund is already paid for and you have to use it by the end of the year or it goes to waste. Use it to avoid spending real money at the store as often as possible.
3. Find less expensive activities: You can have just as much fun on the weekend playing cards with your friends than going to the movies or Memphis. Save coslty events for special occasions. On normal weekends go to the football game or just have a group over to hang out and watch some t.v. It will literally pay off.
2. Look for deals: When you do go out, take advantage of promotions. For example, there are several nights at the bowling alley in Jonesboro that offer special discounts. Pick nights like these to go out. Search online or make some calls to discover the cheapest way to spend your hard-earned money.
1. Practice self-control: Just don't! Think hard before you spend. Ask yourself three I need this? Can I afford this? Is this worth the money? Counter these thoughts by some others. What else could I spend this on? Do I have any expenses coming up? Could I save this instead? These questions could save you more than you can imagine in the long run.

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