Thursday, October 16, 2008

Seven Reasons I Love Going Home

I don't get the chance to go home very often. Weekends are typically filled with work, friends, homework, and studying. So when I do get the opportunity to go, it is quite the treat. Something about going back to where we came from is quite the comfort for college students. Here are some thoughts as to why I love going home so much. Feel free to comment your thoughts or reasonings.

1. Home-cooked food! It doesn't take long before the Caf's food day after day gets old. But that sweet, cliche that is going home to mom's cooking is a great excitement.
2. Seeing the family! This one is obvious. If you like your family at all, this has got to be on the list. Even if you have your differences, after weeks apart it's nice to visit with the one's who have to love you no matter what.
3. My room! I love the going back to the comfort and memories of my room at home. It's nice to go back and dig into the old things. Most of all, it's so nice to sleep in my own bed after months of crashing on Astate's provided mattress.
4. The pets! If you have any animals waiting for you at home, you know what I mean. This one is especially close to my heart. There is nothing like going home and being greeted by an ecstatic wagging tail or a sweet soft purr. They know it's you and they could not be happier that you are home to see them.
5. The friends! It is such a holiday to go back and see the people I left behind when I moved away to college. My best friend especially. It is so entertaining to go back and catch up with the old crew and see what you have been missing. But then, it is always so hard to leave again.
6. The Town! If you are anything like me, there is somehow a sweet comfort in returning to that place that you know like the back of your hand. The shops, the park, the food joints, the movies, and even the High School is fun to go back and visit. It's just cool to be back in that familiar air again.
7. No Pressure! Oh, this one is the best. Going home means a break from reality. No school, no class, no fellow students, no college buzz, no pressure! It is so relaxing to be able to go back and plop down on the couch with a non-school-related book and chill out while munching on that favorite snack mom always makes. If you ask me, it is needed every now and then. Just go home, chill out, have fun, and enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just remember that there is such a thing as going home too much. College is supposed to prepare you from that separation from your parents as you begin your independence therefore going home negates that experience.