Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Three Words for Building Your Vocabulary part 1.

So I was considering the other day just how elementary my vocabulary can be. I think this goes for all of us really. Given, we are from Arkansas I know, but I think it can always be a good thing to stretch and build up our every day vocabulary.

So if it’s okay with you, every few posts I’ll update a list of three words, just going through the alphabet, that can brighten up our speech a little. I’ll be using Webster’s Vocabulary Builder by Merriam-Webster so you can trust that these words are legit and I’ll try to stick to words that I believe we can and will actually use. I challenge you to try out these new words and see if it extends the intelligence of your conversation at all.

1. Amicable-(Friendly, peaceful.) This could be good to describe a relationship between two people, perhaps some mutual friends of yours. Or the way that the atmosphere feels when you enter an inviting place for the first time.

2. Belligerence- (Aggressiveness, combativeness.) This is sort of the opposite of the above. I’ve heard the word before, but was never sure enough of the meaning to use it myself. It could be a good adjective to describe a movie or a quarrel between some other mutual friends.

3. Cursory- (Hastily and often carelessly done.) I see this one coming in handy. Could this describe the way students tend to drive when they are in a hurry? Especially through the Quads parking lot! And admittedly this is the way I tend to do my homework if I have put it off until the last minute. Anyone relate?