Saturday, November 1, 2008

Four Reasons We Need Music

I adore music. Truly. And so it interested me to do a little research in order to see just what others say about why we need music. It turned out some pretty fascinating answers.

1. Stress Management: According to Coping with Stress: The Effectiveness of Different Types of Music from the Department of Psychology, University of South Alabama, tests show that listening to music after taking a difficult college exam, students were relieved far more than without the therapeutic effort. Plus, I can say first hand, that soothing music brings me peace when things get a little too heavy.

2. Fun/recreation: This one is obvious. What kind of event is it if it does not include some tunes, at very least just drifting through the background? Whether you are alone, on a date, with a few friends, or in a huge crowd, the simple activity of listening to your favorite music brings a whole new element of a good time to the group.

3. Learning/studying: According to The Effects of Background Music on Learning from the Department of Educational Technology at San Diego Stage University, studies have brought professionals to believe that in a closed setting, playing slow background music either in the classroom or while studying can produce positive results in the amount of information absorbed by the student. Who knew, right?

4. Artistic/creativity: For you artists, you know what I mean. And even I as a writer use this technique. What a great way to brainstorm and prepare your mind for letting all of that imagination take over and go crazy, releasing everything you have been saving for your piece. Somehow, it brings an entire new element to the love that goes into whatever you are working on.

1 comment:

James Thomas Klotzle said...

Music IS a great coping mechanism!

Check out my blog for some informative stress-related videos... I add to them weekly :)

Excellent post,
