Saturday, September 6, 2008

Eight Don'ts for Your Semester

We are officially back in the swing of things. Two weeks down and the back-to-school excitement is fading. So as we take a look ahead at what’s to come this semester, there’s some things we ought to avoid…

1. Don’t get caught up in the college life and stay up till 4a.m. every night. Sleep is precious in college and it’ll catch up to you….in class.

2. Don’t keep to yourself and your friends! Your peers are interesting too. Get to know them! They say you make friends in college that you’ll have for life.

3. Don’t procrastinate everything to the last minute. Especially homework. I’m not saying lock yourself in your room to study every night, believe me. But you also don’t want it all piling up and coming back to haunt you.

4. Don’t over busy yourself! It’s easy to plan a thousand things to do, plus schedule in class, studying, and work. However, there are only 24 hours in a day and breathing ought to be accounted for.

5. Don’t intentionally avoid all campus events. Enjoy the school spirit and howl like the Red Wolf you are! Go to a game or two, attend a couple of the events in front of the Union, wear your school colors proudly, have some fun.

6. Don’t live in the caf! Trust me, I’d know. There’s nothing like wasting away the day chatting with friends and munching on unlimited cereal and coffee, but there’s a world out there! Or a campus at least. Plus, that freshman fifteen catches up quick.

7. Don’t be afraid to talk to your teachers. This is something I have to remind myself. If you're struggling or behind or confused in a class, ask them. Chances are they won’t bite. They probably want to help you. And sometimes it makes all the difference.

8. Don’t give up and drop out! Yes, college can be hard. But you are paying to be here. And persevering through can be so rewarding. So when you want to just give up and go home…don’t.

1 comment:

RamosFan said...

i love this blog!! the set-up is super classy :) Ashley Ramos...i'm your number one fan!