Friday, September 12, 2008

Six Ways to Keep a Clean Dorm amidst a Busy Schedule

1. Have a day a week set aside for cleaning. I know, I know. It’s not really something you want to pencil in, but having a designated day will keep you on schedule and eliminate much procrastination. Just take an hour or so to wipe the counters, scrub the toilet, and sweep the floor. Come time to move out, it makes all the difference.
2. Do your laundry at night. I’ve found it helpful to begin washing clothes late on a weeknight, while doing homework or studying. Chances are you’re up anyway so why not take advantage of the 24 hour laundry rooms while they are not quite as busy as those hectic Sunday afternoons.
3. Designate a different roommate to take out the trash every two or three days. Even try assigning particular weekdays for each to hold the responsibility. Typically, if all roommates agree to keep up their end of the bargain, the plan makes for a garbage-free, stench eliminated area.
4. Pick up a little as you go. I know this sounds improbable, but truly if you keep the majority of this and that where this and that belong, then come time to clean, it won’t be such a dreadful ordeal. Just begin by trying to make sure all laundry actually lands in the hamper and all trash stays in the waste basket for a few days. Bet you it will make a huge difference!
5. Every time you buy groceries, take a minute to discard any empty boxes or expired food, as well as throwing out old cold or frozen items in the mini-fridge. It usually runs hand-in-hand that about the time you find yourself running low on supplies is about the time the last batch is ready to go. Trust me, there’s nothing worse than mixing up the new milk and the old milk because you failed to check that date on the bottle.
6. Invest in a self-timed air freshener. These things are a life-saver. I recommend the antibacterial ones, so that aside from just smelling clean, the air in your room really is getting cleaned. They run on their own so no hassling with remembering spray. Plus, if your place smells sanitary, this will generally motivate you to keep everything else tidy too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are all useful, but only if you have a willing roommate sharing the responsibility with you. It's unfair how sometimes most chores end up with the more organized ones. If only dorms were designed so you get to pick who you're rooming with.

Chad Lewis