Monday, September 22, 2008

Six Ways to Keep it Cheap

It’s about that time in the semester when we begin to realize that being a college student isn’t exactly cheap. All the “a few dollars here, a few dollars there” are really piling up. Here are some ideas for saving a little cash by simply having some self-discipline.

1. Buy groceries. This is where the mini-fridge that you brought with you comes in handy. Especially if your meal plan doesn’t cover seven days a week. Eating out really adds up to a costly expense. I suggest buying some snack foods for the hours when the caf is closed at and some substantial meals for weekends, such as soups or sandwiches. Resist that late-night pizza and save by eating in your room every now and then.

2. When you do eat out, be careful of how much you are spending! Make a limit for yourself and stick to it. Try ordering water instead of a soft drink, it’s way better for you and it’ll knock a couple bucks of off your ticket every time.

3. Don’t be afraid of generic! Seriously, off-brands work just as well when it comes to those items that you can’t avoid buying every couple weeks such as shampoo, soap, and toilet paper. There is so much offered for several dollars cheaper just because it isn’t name brand.

4. Take advantage of those sales! Keep an eye out for specials at any kind of store and jump when you see a good one. Don’t just buy because it’s on sale either though. And this goes for restaurants too. Use your ASU discount when accepted and be listening and watching for any upcoming deals they have.

5. This one can be a toughie: Resist the urge to shop. I know, I know this sounds crazy, especially for girls, but oh the difference it will make to your bank account! Learn the art of window shopping and treat yourself only on occasion. In the long run, you’ll end up with way more savings and way less unneeded junk.

6. Don’t waste anything! Save leftovers for later, use the backs of paper, reuse plastic cups and plates, and use Wal-mart sacks as bags as often as possible. Be creative and you’ll be surprised how less often you are in need of buying replenishments of this and that.

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