Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Five Reasons to Read the Herald

So, twice a week you see this black and white folded paper all over campus. You see a few people reading it as you make your way through your daily routine and wonder what it is that has them so interested. You glance at the headlines and pictures in passing and make a mental note to pick it up later and check out just what this is all about. Then after your last class of the day you pass a newsstand and pick it up. In red letters across the top of the page you read “The Herald.” So now, why read any further?
1. Your school paper is written and published by your peers! Peers who are dedicated to researching and writing what ASU students want to read. From News to Opinions to Campus to Sports, the Herald is for you.
2. It’s the most proficient resource to getting the most important news on campus! Timely, relevant topics are chosen so that the university is updated on foremost significant matters.
3. Find out what your peers are thinking! Reporters fill their articles with specific quotes from fellow students to relay how they feel about key issues on campus.
4. The photos show you what’s going on! Qualified photographers are hired to assure needed visuals to stories, giving illustration to pertinent and interesting information.
5. Get your mind out there! Each aspect of the Herald guarantees useful facts and fascinating updates that, as young adults, we ought to take the responsibility to discover. And it’s enjoyable!

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